The crux is that even the most fashionable people studying in popular DU colleges not only think about social issues, in fact, they try to do their bit to improve the situation too. Its not about any single university or place. I have friends in various engineering and medical colleges who are associated with voluntary organizations and are doing considerably great things. Youth of the nation seems to be highly aware and motivated. These subtle things I feel have a profound message in them.
But the situation around sometimes defies even my positive anticipations. The country is going through a difficult phase where maladies like corruption, rampant violence etc. are proliferating and consequently prosperity is declining. Probably the reason is that, we feel strongly for things when we are young and not a part of the system that we love to despise and as we grow older, we seem to be swallowed up and become of part of the same system that troubled us in our youth. Perhaps this generation can break this cycle of inevitability.
The time lapse between wanting to change the system and becoming a part of the same is an important one. I am sure that people who constitute the present work force of our country must have had the fervor to change "things" around them in their youth. The fact that the situation is bad now proves a very vital point. We may desire to do great things in life but by the time we are experienced enough to make a difference, our priorities change. There are so many things like career, marriage, family and material goods that begin to become priorities and we prefer to somehow manage with a known evil, rather than enthusiastically attack it. There are many people who have a strong urge to do things in the just and right way but often stop themselves due to the oft-quoted practical constraints of life.
I guess there is a time in everyone's life when you feel very strongly for those little things around you and there is a desire to change things, change the system…But they say the "system changes you". Well, this need not always be the case. If you stick to your ideals, imbibe a social consciousness and are bolstered with determination and commitment, you’ll find that it IS possible to change the system, but sometimes you have to start by changing yourself.
And if my assessment of the current generation is accurate, a change is coming- and the socially conscious new generation will lead this change!
The Author is a IIyr Maths Honours student and part of the Core Team of DevelopmentChannel.org
1 comment:
firstly,very true your observation that most people get sucked into the system and instead of changing it, become part of the very thing they abhorred.
secondly,very optimistic your view that this generation will be any different.
my cynicism is for this reason,the people you mentioned,the ones doing good on campus are perhaps 0.1% of the members of our generation.further,even this shameful minority will probably never take matters into their own hands and try and bring about the change..the thing you mentioned,about sticking to ones' ideals is probably the hardest thing ever(except maybe trying to sneeze with your eyes open..try it..its impossible)
anyway,don't get me wrong.i want the same things you do.i'm just not sure we're going to get to see it happen in our lifetimes
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