Friday, January 23, 2009

Srishti Gupta -I Have a Dream

I have a dream for the Invisible Indians. The Invisible Indians who are starving every moment, who are committing suicides due to prolonged crisis in life, who are malnourished to the extent that they hardly look like humans and those who work day and night on a small piece of land and still fail to manage a livelihood. My concern is for those 41.6% of our nation's population, who according to World Bank are still earning less than $1.25. India is slated to be the fastest growing economy of Asia in the coming years but the despondent irony is that India is still home to the largest number of hungry in the world and 47% of its children are severely malnourished. And these invisible Indians are not just confined to the 6.5 lack villages of the country; they can easily be spotted in desolate nook and corners of growing cities too. I call them invisible because there is no one to address their problems.

It's high time to actually take some stern measures and make farming a lucrative option. The manifold schemes initiated by government should be implemented more sincerely and it should be made sure people actually get the benefits they ought to get. It's imperative to hone the primary education system because most of without undermining the importance of basic education, government should make a sincere effort to produce more efficient, rational and practical farmers.our farmers are illiterate and consequently not very rational. What I strongly feel is that without undermining the importance of basic education, government should make a sincere effort to produce more efficient, rational and practical farmers And this can be done by initiating special programs for them wherein they are guided to become farmers who are certainly smarter and more in tune with the latest technology. An institute in every district which provides a degree for specialization in farming or anything similar would actually help the situation. The course structure should be such that the students are given complete insight into how to improve the agricultural production, what kind of crops to be grown, nature of fertilizers to be used as per the texture of soil they work on and many other essential things. Except in a few states, mostly farmers aren’t aware of the schemes and policies being launched for them. They still take bank loans at an interest as high as 10-12% so there is an imperative need that awareness about various loan schemes, technologies and market policies that are favorable to them should be conveyed too. There are several similar programs running but they should be presented in a manner that precisely meets the requirements of the farmers. In villages, people generally don't send their wards to schools for myriads of reasons but a course like this is sure to attract many people and benefit them too. Government can also take help from corporate sectors and NGOs to execute these plans effectively. Serious attempts should be made to produce smart "professional" farmers who too earn lavishly and this will build a solid foundation for a highly productive, internationally competitive, and diversified agricultural sector too.

My dream is that the farmers of our country, who have been suffering endlessly, should now join the league those highly successful people. Let farming become a coveted and respected profession in the country and the Agricultural Sector, one of the most profitable sectors. This I am sure will solve many other problems too only then will India truly shine!!!

The Author is a IIyr Maths Honours student and part of the Core Team of

1 comment:

L.R.Krishnan said...

Well said Srishti.
Agriculture being the trait of our country, we should lay emphasis on developing agro-sector rather than the industrial-sector. Just like we should promote Hockey(our national game) rather than following Cricket like mad.
