In the super-busy life we lead, seeking the ever-so-perfect dream we don’t stop, because stopping is hazardous, the person next to you might just get a step ahead. And that would not do. The system says survival of the fittest. The cream (though I question the use of this term, so many people end up consuming milk daily, the cream is set aside for other uses or for making butter that is anyways available separately. But you can’t have cream replacing milk in your daily Bournvita, can you?) go to the best colleges, the milk is left to face the prospect of thinking of a future at an open university or a private university (if it can be afforded).
But we don't really stop and think (because stopping means losing) that this system doesn’t make logic. The brightest get the best, the weakest the worst. Shouldn’t it be the other way round? For a child who is brilliant a competent teacher/guide is essential but for the child who is mediocre, the need for a competent teacher/guide increases for the brilliant child has to just fine tune, the mediocre one has to work ten times harder to achieve the highest level he can because he has to rise from mediocre to brilliant. So the weakest student should get the best teacher and the brilliant student should get a good teacher, because he can make the best out of it. It’s a challenge to make someone who is already highly discouraged by the society to realize his full potential. A challenge that can be achieved by the best, trained, seasoned teachers of this country.
Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen. What we have is, students scoring 95% getting to “choose” what they want to study at +2 level, getting the school of their choice, the best teachers and the model environment and the weakest student gets the residual school, a stream that they in all probability don’t want to study, teachers with least amount of training and expertise. What would an already discouraged student with a 60% do with an untrained teacher? Not fair!
This is so obvious, happening all over schools in India. I’m sure we all have friends that have experienced the same problems; probably some of us are a part of this ‘mediocre’ group that could have been brilliant but never became brilliant because everything that they needed was taken away as a price to be paid for mediocrity.
Can we open our minds and think how we can change this essential flaw in our system, so that students passing out from all schools and not just the brand schools have an equal stake at the good life that we are all running after? Let’s make the race fair.
The Author is I yr BA Programme Student and a Member of the Webteam of
You are making quite a sense. Yet, there is a fundamental flaw in all you expressed. You sure do expect the system to change itself so that education as an issue could be pulled from the periphery and inculcated by the system as a mainstream issue. But what education do you speak of. What looks like education to us most of the time, is nothing more than a result of our own ignorance. The teaching syllabus at the primary level around the world reeks of a physical training like practice with little depth or understanding. A syllabus which when even slightly low on quality teaching, immediatley leads to a judgemental opinion. Among the other major flaws, this education system has a distorted sense of liberty. What should have been a freedom of thought, is no more than a freedom of expressing a thought. With this freedom everyone has become a liberal, who could holler a ton in favor of gay rights, even if they personlly feel nothing for the issue.
Education is on the periphery, simply because it is playing a role which deserves the periphery. The role of a job market catalyst, which is very important for the sake of a good earning, and only that. To bring education to the masses, i feel that we need to make it a very clinical process of an almost elite importance. The kind of education which men learnt in the golden age of SUFI masters and sages. The literacy percentile may have changed by leaps in the past few centuries, yet the no. of true seekers of knowledge have remained constant throughout the world and throughout the ages.
We shall sure bring in education, but with asthetic reforms, rather than technical reforms. Let us overhaul the system for the right sake.... because the life we lead in our present system has very little points worth survival.
---Ali Kirmani
im too sleepy now gota go to college 2morrow....gudnite
yes injustice prevails:
you know what i think,,,, well what i think doesnt make a difference,,cause once when the bullet of injustice passes your head you either die as a hero like mohan das karamchand gandhi or you live long to see yourself turn into a villain like osama bin ladin...... i think what arushi and ali have mentioned is awesome and very true "BUT I HAVE A QUESTION FOR EVERY MEMBER OF LEADERS FOR TOMORROW, DO U THINK SHAPING A BETTER TOMORROW WILL SAVE THE SOULS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE LIVING SINFUL LIVES AND FOR THE MATTER OF FACT WOULD IMPROVING EDUCATION SYSTEM HELP THE PEOPLE OF INDIA"..........THE END DAYS ARE NEARING AND THE ANTI CHRIST IS GOING TO COME TO POWER.........ALL WE GOT TO DO IS PRAY FOR THE MASSES....PRAY FOR THE MILLIONS........IM SURE ALL OF US WOULD FIND A BETTER WORLD IN HEAVEN.......SO WHY NOT PREPARE OURSELVES FOR THE JUDGEMENT DAY WHY NOT SPREAD THE LIVING WORD.(YOU KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT MR BINOY JOB.....)
why not broadcast live class room lectures of these so called "brand schools" over the Internet....and simultaneously provide free Internet connection and computers (Internet resource centres) to the students who are not that fortunate enough to get admission in the so called "brand schools"... there are minds that can make this happen and yes they live in the planet earth.....
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